MBBS in Ukraine
Bogomolets National Medical University
MBBS in Ukraine: Bogomolets National Medical University (NMU) is a medical school founded in 1841 in Kyiv, Ukraine. The university is named after physiologist Alexander A. Bogomolets. NMU provides medical training for over 10,000 students, including about 1,300 foreigners from 56 countries. The university employs about 1,200 teaching staff.

Lviv National Medical University
MBBS in Ukraine: Lviv National Medical University – formerly known as the Lvov State Medical Institute, earlier the Faculty of Medicine of the John Casimir University and, before that, Faculty of Medicine of the Francis I University — is one of the oldest and biggest medical universities in Ukraine. It is one of the leading medical universities of the IV level of accreditation. LNMU begins from the Medical Faculty of Lviv University, which was opened on November 16, 1784, according to the privilege of the Austrian emperor Josef II. In 2009 University celebrated its 225 anniversary.
Ivano-Frankivsk National Medical University
Ivano-Frankivsk National Medical University is an institute of higher medical education in Ivano-Frankivsk, Ukraine. The university is situated in Ivano city in the northwest of Ukraine and is a leading higher education establishment in the region, with a higher accreditation level. The university provides continuity of higher medical education: Junior Specialist – a Bachelor – a Medical Specialist – a Master – a post graduate. The university history started in 1945 and is listed in the WHO Directory of Medical Schools and in the US FAIMER International Medical Education Directory (IMED). The university is one of the few Medical Universities in Ukraine to be designated as a “National Medical University” by the government of Ukraine.
Kharkiv National Medical University
Kharkiv National Medical University (KNMU) Ukraine is one of the oldest higher educational establishments of Ukraine. Founded in 1805 as the Medical Faculty of the Kharkiv University it was later renamed in Kharkiv Medical Institute and Kharkiv State Medical University and presently it is Kharkiv National Medical University – KNMU. Kharkiv National Medical University is the best medical university in Ukraine for international students to study medicine in Ukraine. Historically, our University was the top medical educational institution in Ukraine. The Degree of MBBS (MD – General Medicine, BDS – Dentistry, Pharmacy, Nursing) of Kharkov National Medical University is prestigious and it is recognized all over the world.
V.N. Karazin Kharkiv National University
V.N. Karazin Kharkiv National University is one of the oldest universities in Eastern Europe. It was founded in November 1804, on the initiative of the prominent educator V.N. Karazin and in accordance with the charter of Tsar Alexander I. The opening ceremony was held on January 29, 1805. The University made an important contribution to the Ukrainian national renaissance of the XIX-XXth centuries. It gave a powerful impetus to the emergence of Kharkiv as a major scientific and cultural center and an academic hub of Ukraine. Today the University justly rates among the best Ukrainian classical universities and is known in many countries.
Donetsk National Medical University
Donetsk National Medical University (DNMU) is state owned higher educational establishment of Ukraine. DNMU is the best and the largest medical university in Eastern Europe. Donetsk National Medical University (DNMU) was established in 1930 as M. Gorky Donetsk Medical Institute. After the Second World War, Institute was renamed to Stalino Medical Institute. In 1967, the institute was again renamed to M.Gorky Donetsk State Medical Institute. In 1994, DNMU was given the status of University and in 2008 DNMU has got the status of National Medical University and it was renamed to M.Gorky Donetsk National Medical University. In 2015 according to the order of Ministry of Health of Decommunization, University name was changed to DONETSK NATIONAL MEDICAL UNIVERSITY.
Vinnytsia National Pirogov Medical University
VNMU was established when the first President of the Ukrainian Academy of Sciences, academician D.K. Zabolotny, raised the question to the Government about the necessity of opening a medical educational institution in Vinnitsa to serve the nation’s needs for health care. VNMU began as Vinnitsa Pharmaceutical Institute (1921-1936), and later became Vinnitsa branch of All-Ukrainian Institute of Extra-Mural Medical Education (1930), and reorganized in 1932 as Evening Industrial Medical Institute with two faculties – medical-preventive and pediatric and in 1934 as Vinnitsa Medical Institute (1934).
Odessa National Medical University
The Odessa National Medical University is a government university in the city of Odessa, Ukraine. In January 2019 the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine decided to merge the University with the Medical Academy named after S.I. Georgievsky of Vernadsky CFU to create a new Odessa National Medical University.
Black Sea National University
Petro Mohyla Black Sea National University is a Ukrainian national university in Mykolayiv. 4 institutions and 6 departments form the basis of Petro Mohyla Black Sea National University. Teaching staff prepares doctors, ecologists, programmers, linguists, psychologists, managers and other highly paid professionals. There are post-graduate department in 12 specialties (theses in 9 of them could be protected in 5 specialized academic councils).
Zaporizhia State Medical University
The main objective of the University is to provide higher medical education for Specialist’s, Bachelor’s and Master’s degrees, as well as postgraduate training in internship, mastership, postgraduate study, residency and refresher courses for physicians and pharmacists. There are 8 Faculties at the University (Medical Faculty No. 1, Medical Faculty No. 2, Medical Faculty No. 3, two Pharmaceutical Faculties (intramural and extramural), International Faculty No. 1, International Faculty No. 2, Faculty of Postgraduate Education), Medical College and University Clinic for 160 patients and 250 consultations at polyclinic.
Ternopil State Medical University
Ternopil State Medical University is a medical university located in the city of Ternopil in Ukraine. TSMU was founded on 12 April 1957 as a Ternopil Medical Institute. On July 1, 1992, the institute was named after Ivan Horbachevsky. On December 30, 1997, it received the status of State Medical Academy, and on 17 November 2004, after reorganization, the institution became Ivan Horbachevsky Ternopil State Medical University. The first rector of the medical institute was Petro Ohii, and the vice-rector Arsen Martyniuk. The regional administration transferred ownership of two buildings to the institute for the use as academic and laboratory facilities, and two dormitories. University clinic facilities were located in the municipal hospital. At the same time, the Morphology Building, a dormitory, and the Regional Hospital were being built.
Kyiv medical university of UAFM
Kyiv Medical University of UAFM or Kiev Medical University of UAFM is a Ukrainian higher learning institution. Established in 1992, the university has trained over 10,000 health personnel—mainly general practitioners, dentists and pharmacists. As of August 2014, about 1000 foreign students study at KMU. As a university with the highest level of accreditation by the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, all degrees issued to foreign students are legalized and apostilized by the Foreign Affairs Ministry of Ukraine.
Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv
Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv is today a classic university with a distinct research profile, and the leading contemporary academic and educational hub of Ukraine. With the independent Ukrainian nation arising, the University is facing new challenges and responsibilities. The academic experts of the future can be identified by a thorough professional knowledge and the ability to think creatively, with an understanding of the massive responsibility to be taken when working at the leading-edge of academic thought. Only a university with a long tradition of achievement and success both in teaching and in research could cope with such a mission.
Bukovinian State Medical University
Bukovinian State Medical University (BSMU) is one of the largest higher educational establishments of Chernivtsi. It has recently celebrated the 65th anniversary of its foundation. It is a modern multisectoral educational institution of the IV accreditation level, included into the general register of the WHO, Magna Charta Universitatum (Bologna, Italy), the Association of the Carpathian Region Universities that provides qualified training according to the grade system of education.
Uzhgorod National Medical University
Uzhhorod National University belongs to classic universities of Ukraine, holding the highest 4th level of accreditation. It is one of the largest and best universities of the Carpathian region, situated in a wonderful student city Uzhhorod on the slopes of the Carpathian Mountains in Western Ukraine. The university is young, it was founded in 1945 but it has acquired a well-deserved reputation in a scientific world, becoming the landmark and the alma-mater for generations of students who are working successfully both in Ukraine and other countries of the world. Uzhhorod University has formed powerful scientific schools of the world acclaim. It collaborates with many top universities abroad.
Dnepropetrovsk State Medical Academy
Dnepropetrovsk State Medical Academy (DSMA) – Center of Education, Science and Culture of highly industrial region of Ukraine,Dnieper. The city of Dnepropetrovsk is is the main Industrial city of Ukraine.Above than 40% industry of Ukraine is loacted in Dnipropetrovsk. It is known as the business city of Ukraine.The city is highly developed and well established in all aspects of life. Dnipropetrovsk State Medical Academy (DSMA) is one of the oldest higher educational institution of Ukraine having 4th (the highest) level of accrediation in Ukraine.