Colleges in Sweden

Lund University
Lund University was founded in 1666 and is ranked among the world’s top 100 universities.
Lund University was founded in 1666 and is ranked among the world’s top 100 universities. The University has 40,000 students and 7,400 staff based in Lund, Helsingborg and Malmö. We are united in our efforts to understand, explain and improve our world and the human condition. Lund is the most popular study location in Sweden. The University offers one of the broadest ranges of programmes and courses in Scandinavia, based on cross-disciplinary and cutting-edge research. The University has a distinct international profile, with partner universities in over 70 countries.

KTH Royal Institute of Technology
Since its founding in 1827, KTH Royal Institute of Technology in Stockholm has grown to become one of Europe’s leading technical
Since its founding in 1827, KTH Royal Institute of Technology in Stockholm has grown to become one of Europe’s leading technical and engineering universities, as well as a key centre of intellectual talent and innovation. We are Sweden’s largest technical research and learning institution and home to students, researchers and faculty from around the world dedicated to advancing knowledge. KTH is working with industry and society in the pursuit of sustainable solutions to some of humanity’s greatest challenges: climate change, future energy supply, urbanisation and quality of life for the rapidly-growing elderly population.

Stockholm University
Stockholm University, in the capital of Sweden, is characterised by openness, innovation and collaboration.
Stockholm University, in the capital of Sweden, is characterised by openness, innovation and collaboration. Ranked among the world’s top 100 universities, Stockholm University is one of Europe’s leading centres for higher education and research in human science and science. Stockholm University was founded in 1878 with the ambition to revitalise higher education in Sweden. Since its inception, close contact with the wider world and active exchange of knowledge and experience have been integral to this vision.

Chalmers University of Technology
Chalmers University of Technology conducts research and offers education in technology, science, shipping and architecture
Chalmers University of Technology conducts research and offers education in technology, science, shipping and architecture with a sustainable future as its global vision. Chalmers is well-known for providing an effective environment for innovation and has 13 departments. Graphene Flagship, an FET Flagship initiative by the European Commission, is coordinated by Chalmers. Situated in Gothenburg, Sweden, Chalmers has 10,300 full-time students and 3,100 employees.

Linköping University
The university has 27,000 students and 4,000 employees on four campuses.
The university has 27,000 students and 4,000 employees on four campuses. Together we seek answers to the complex questions facing us today. Our students are among the most desirable in the labour market and international rankings consistently place LiU as a leading global university. In close collaboration with the business world and society, Linköping University (LiU) conducts world-leading, boundarycrossing research in fields including materials science, IT and hearing. In the same spirit, the university offers many innovative educational programmes, many of them with a clear vocational focus, leading to qualification as, for example, doctors, teachers, economists and engineers.

Jönköping University
Jönköping University has around 11,000 students, of which 2,000 are international students.
Jönköping University has around 11,000 students, of which 2,000 are international students. The university is one of the top universities in international student exchange and among the best in Sweden in terms of attracting international students. Campus has a truly international and academic environment with students and staff from all parts of the world. Both within education and research, Jönköping University has a close cooperation with business and society.

Stockholm School of Economics
The Stockholm School of Economics opened its doors to its first students for more than 100 years ago, in 1909.
The Stockholm School of Economics opened its doors to its first students for more than 100 years ago, in 1909. The decades around the turn of the nineteenth century were years of rapid industrial expansion in Sweden, which in turn led to a need for trained managers and staff. Swedish industry and commerce were quick to recognize the importance of specialized education in business practices, and the Stockholm School of Economics Association was thus formed in 1906 for the express purpose of establishing a School of Business in Stockholm based on the model of schools established in North America and elsewhere in Europe.

Halmstad University
Halmstad University is a University in Halmstad, Sweden. It was established in 1983.
Halmstad University is a University in Halmstad, Sweden. It was established in 1983. Halmstad University is a public higher education institution offering bachelor’s and master’s programmes in various fields of studies. In addition, it conducts Ph.D. programmes in three fields of research, namely, Information Technology, Innovation Science and Health Science.

Karlstad University
Karlstad University has consolidated its position as a mid-sized and innovative higher education institution with stable and controlled growth.
Karlstad University has consolidated its position as a mid-sized and innovative higher education institution with stable and controlled growth. The interpersonal relationship is important and participation and engagement are characteristics of the University. We give priority to quality and enjoy a good reputation among students, staff and the wider community. The close interaction between research, education and external partners is notable in all university activities. All members of teaching staff pursue research and all researchers teach. The University is imbued with various forms of cultural expression.

Kristianstad University
Kristianstad University (HKR) is a small but at the same time large university in southern Sweden.
Kristianstad University (HKR) is a small but at the same time large university in southern Sweden. The university is gathered in one campus situated just 10 minutes from the town centre of Kristianstad. Kristianstad University was founded in 1977, but we can trace our roots back to 1835 and the start of the teacher’s training. We are proud of our 14,000 students and the diversity they represent. Our keywords are openness, curiosity and respect.

Red Cross University College of Nursing
The Red Cross University College (formerly the Red Cross School of Nursing) was founded in 1867 by Emmy Rappe
The Red Cross University College (formerly the Red Cross School of Nursing) was founded in 1867 by Emmy Rappe and was the first secular nursing education in Sweden. Since the start, we have given nursing students the competence and skills required for global work and also, contributed to the development of the Swedish healthcare system. The University College was previously located at Sabbatsberg General Hospital but was relocated to the campus of the Royal Institute of Technology (KTH), central Stockholm, in 2004. Part of our bright and airy office building dates from the second half of the 19th c.