Australia Visa Requirements
Australia Visa Requirements
Skyline provides services for Australia student visa requirements. We also give services related to Australia Study visa requirements, Australia visit visa Consultants in Chandigarh.
Australian Student Visa applications are processed by Australian High Commission, New Delhi. Student now have to apply, if eligible, under SVP (Streamlined Visa processing), which has replaced PVA (Pre-Visa Assessment). The following is the list of documents to be submitted along with the Visa application:

- Visa Application fee payable by Bank Draft favouring “Australian High Commission, New Delhi”
- Completed Visa Application Form
- Nomination form 956 to be completed only if you are lodging through an agent
- Student has to pay the 1st Semester Fee and will then receive e-COE (Electronic-Confirmation Of Enrollment) from the institution
- Passport – Original passport is not required, instead all pages of current and previous passports, if any, to be notarized.
- Four recent passport size photos
- Statement of Purpose
- “Details of Relatives” form
- Guardianship form, if the student is under 18 years of age
- IELTS / TOEFL / PTE Scores
- All Mark sheets, Certificates, Degrees and Diplomas
- Reference letter from current employer and previous employer, if employed
- Affidavit of support from Sponsor
- Affidavit of support from Student
- Bank Statement / Bank Passbook for the last 3 months and current balance certificate
- Income Tax returns of the sponsor for the last 3 years
- Property Documents along with Valuation Report
- Details of acceptable fundsin the form of a table / matrix
- Evidence of relationship with the sponsor
- Bank loan Sanction Letter (if applicable)
Other Liquid Assets like Fixed Deposits, etc.
Visa Decision
As Australia has done away with student visa stamping in the passport to travel and enter Australia, a visa decision is intimated to the applicant electronically via email, once a decision has been made by the visa authorities.
If approved the department will send a Notification of Grant letter to your nominated postal or email address. It is recommended that you print this letter and keep it with you when you travel to and from Australia. This letter contains:
- your Visa Grant Number
- the validity date of your visa
- the visa conditions.
If not approved the department will send you a notification letter advising you of:
- the reasons for the refusal
- your review rights
- time limit for lodging an appeal.
Your rights for a review of the decision differ:
- if you lodged in Australia, the refusal letter advises you of your review rights and the time limit for lodging an appeal
- if you lodged outside Australia, you have no right for a review of the merits of the decision
For more information on Immigration and Visa, kindly visit: